Fix for Item can’t be moved to Trash because…

Deleting files on a Mac is one if the simplest tasks, or one would assume. Ever so often the error “Item can’t be moved to Trash because item can’t be deleted” shows up when attempting to move a file to the trash can.
The reason behind the message is that the file to be deleted is in use and the holding application won’t release it for moving. The easiest fix is to find out which application is holding the files locked ...
Fix the Patriot USB write protected issue

My Patriot USB Memory stick flash drive got stuck in write protected mode. The first glimpse that something was awry I got when using Disk Utility on my MacBook Air. All options were grayed out, except for verify disk. Running it resulted in a message letting me know that the disk needed repair. The repair process in turn gave me a result of Error: -69877: Couldn’t open device. Nice!
Getting a hold of a Windows 7 running PC didn’t yield much better results. Some ...
Mount SSH Folder on a Mac with OSXFuse & SSHFS

You may already know how to access shared files on a PC over your home network from a Mac. What about accessing a share on your file server on the internet via SSH? Here we’re going to mount an SSH folder on a Mac with OSXFuse and SSHFS.
Google engineers released a software package that enables Mac OS X to mount remote file systems using a variety of methods, including SSH. This software, called OSXFuse lets you drag and drop files to an SSH-connected folder right in ...
iOS Bluetooth Problems & Fixes

iOS 7 has been wildly adopted by now and most users like it. Some snags have been present at launch, but most were ironed out with couple of subsequent service releases. One area that still seems to bug users is with Bluetooth connections.
There are a variety of issues, most of them related to connecting to external devices, and even more solutions that are fixes or at least workarounds. So let’s start tackle these iOS bluetooth problems once and for all.
Steps ...Visual Tweaks for Sublime Text

Sublime is a great text editor, especially for programmers who look for formatting, keyboard shortcuts and customization. It is my text editor of choice for a while now.
There are tons of custom settings, just have a look at Preferences -> Settings Default. We often don’t take the time to setup our tools, but doing so with Sublime is definitely worth it. I’m writing up my most essential settings to make working visually with Sublime even better, have a look and ...
Definitive C++ Book List

There is never enough feedback for good programming books, especially for C++ which is still the king of programming languages. Most importantly, which book is ideal for for what level? Beginners need an ease into the language, while hard core experts need a deep dive into the inner workings on certain functions and behaviors.
Below is a compiled list of good C++ books with enough feedback from readers, sorted by level of expertise.
Best Beginner C++ Books Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ ...Top 5 Overlooked SEO Mistakes

There are a lot of talk about SEO since Panda and Penguin, and lots of web masters are trying to cope with the changes that impacted their site traffic. Some of the common pundits are little content vs. html markup code, automated content generation by web scraping, keyword stuffing, buying external links to increase page rank among many more.
Since Google has been fairly vague about the implications in Panda and Penguin, speculations about what impacts Google Search ranking are rampant and ...
Adjust Your Apple Cinema Display Brightness

The very first time I was looking to adjust the brightness of my Cinema Display, I was puzzled that it wouldn’t work using the brightness buttons on my keyboard. Somehow I knew I was missing something, as the keyboard of my MacBook Air only has one pair of buttons, and how would it know which display I wanted to adjust, the Air’s or the display’s.
But what about the external keyboard? Shouldn’t that be able to brighten the external monitor and ...
How to clean a Nexus Wireless Charger like new

It’s been more than 8 months that I own the Nexus 4 and still love its puristic, native Android experience and touch and feel of the all glass design.
When the orb charger appeared in the play store, I immediately purchased one. This charger completes the Nexus 4 in style and functionality. It sits on top of my bed stand and displays time via Daydream.
The only two downsides to this are (1) the daydream function turn off as soon as the ...
Reset Apple Wireless Keyboard Pairing

The Apple Wireless Keyboard pairing problems of it’s Bluetooth version are all too common, yet there are no easy to find instructions on Apples website, at least I couldn’t find any. If you’re like me and countless fellow Mac users that needed to reset their Apple wireless keyboard, just to run into a lengthy process of research and frustration, well then you know what I’m talking about.
It’s completely inexcusable that such a simple, yet highly demanded task is poorly documented by Apple. After ...