We could not complete your purchase – Fix

I guess you landed here because your Mac displayed the message We could not complete your purchase while trying to update your Mac. Most commonly the root cause is due to an authentication issue. Granted, Apple’s messaging could be a bit more specific, but here is a possible solution for fixing the update problem.
In a browser (Safari, Chrome …) head to Apple Account page. Click on Apple ID and password and login. Chances are that you’ll get some sort ...
Fix for Item can’t be moved to Trash because…

Deleting files on a Mac is one if the simplest tasks, or one would assume. Ever so often the error “Item can’t be moved to Trash because item can’t be deleted” shows up when attempting to move a file to the trash can.
The reason behind the message is that the file to be deleted is in use and the holding application won’t release it for moving. The easiest fix is to find out which application is holding the files locked ...
How to install Apache PHP and MySQL on a Mac

The following instructions guide you thru the installation of the latest LAMP Stack (Apache, PHP and MySQL) on MacOS X Snow Leopard.
Sure, there are pre-packaged solutions like MAMP and MAMP Pro, but if you want to know the inner workings of a LAMP stack, you want to do the installation and configuration yourself.
Let’s get started. Here are the steps to install Apache, MySQL and PHP on a Mac OS X
Download the installation image from MySQL website here. Then double-click to ...