Linux Screen Command – Window Management At It’s Best

Just in case you haven’t heard about Screen or don’t know what the Linux Screen Command is about, in short – Screen is the de-facto window manager in a Linux/Unix environment.
Not only does Screen let you open and switch between multiple windows, Screen also let’s you run programs in it’s won environment, even if you close the current SSH session. This comes in handy when you have scripts that run for a long time and could potentially timeout in SSH.
Another ...
Useful Linux Terminal Commands

This is a compilation of most of my past searches for linux terminal commands, starting years back and I kept track of them here for easy retrieval. Since some of them are rather rare, useful Linux Terminal Commands, also often asked for by users, I decided to just publish them here.
The list may grow longer over time and if you got some nice ones that is of general interest, please let me know and I’m happy to add them.
How to ...Linux jobs get more demand

Linux Foundation director Jim Zemlin, has some advise for Linux world professionals. He was as of late quoted saying, “Linux’s increasing use across industries is building high demand for Linux jobs despite national unemployment stats. reaches millions of Linux professionals from all over the world. By providing a Jobs Board feature on the popular community site, we can bring together employers, recruiters and job seekers to lay the intellectual foundation for tomorrow’s IT industry.”
Current requirement is for 8,000 Linux-based technical ...