Install CouchDB & use with JSON and Map-Reduce
![install couchdb](
CouchDB is another offspring from the open-source, NoSQL, non-relational databases and is maintained under the Apache Foundation. It differs itself form the likes of MongoDB or Cassandra in many ways, except they all store data in so called “documents” that are in JSON format. Utilizing this format allows for data structures which can be hashes, lists, nested arrays and of course scalar values.
This added complexity results in more powerful features, mainly to have a db that is not just a ...
Redis High Speed Storage Or Cache System
![high speed redis cache](
NoSQL databases are the hype, with MongoBD and CouchDB on the forefront, while Memcache has found a place in many high load web applications during the past few years. Each of these applications has their own, very specific characteristic. MongoDB finds its usage where single key-value pairs are not sufficient, but adds a slight overhead and complexity with its hash table like multi field storage architecture. CouchDB is an ideal candidate where single key-value pair storage engine is sufficient.
And there ...