How do I Motivate my Team

Successfully motivate my team is an ongoing challenge, quite sophisticated yet rewarding. It’s like steering a ship toward its destination, keeping course without ever arriving. Motivating factors are based on two influencing environments. The existence of a comfortable, clean environment free of negative mental and physical impacts (foundation), and stimulating influences that strive for and enhance satisfaction and contentment (stimulation).
For example, how could we expect a team to be motivated if their environment in uncomfortable, dirty or hazardous? Or would a ...
Building a Team

This article is not about the usual subjects, like motivation, communication etc. What I’m talking about is consciously planning to build, improve and measure key metrics of a development team. Often times, teams get built over time with little awareness of their dynamic. “We’re swamped, we need a javascript developer”, or “For this project, we got to add another dba” and so it goes. Before we know it, the team has grown and if we don’t define the values of our ...