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Optimize Page Load Time with Gzip Compression

gzip compression html css

HTML, CSS and Javascript compression is a simple and effective way to save bandwidth and optimize page load time on your site. It’s often overlooked and yet simple to implement, just enable gzip compression for the right document types and enhance your site’s user experience.

In Apache, we achieve this by enabling content encoding. When a user requests a file like, the browser communicates to a web server, and the conversation goes a something like this:

1. Browser: GET me /index.html 2. ...

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Listed in Web Development

Tags: compression, DEFLATE, gzip, headers, mod_deflate

7 Tips To Improve Web Page Load Time

improve web page load time

With the increasing focus on Google’s Site Speed Algorithm, the following are 7 tips to improve web page load time, proven techniques well known websites use to boost their site speed.

Enable Gzip Compression

While compressing pages adds just a tad to your web server’s overhead, it will reduce bandwidth and transmission time and make pages appear to load faster for your users. Gzip is a open source compression algorithm that can be used to compress the content of your website before ...

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Listed in SEO, Web Development

Tags: cdn, gzip, minify, redirect, sprite